Student Engagement
Student experience and students 'global ready'The ideas that the Students learn and develop in a wide variety of contexts is a relevant part of the Coventry Way. A student-cantered approach is essential to reach this goal. This section covers many aspects and challenges both for students and staff to co-produce and co-create the student experience.
Active Learning
Enquiry-based learning; problem-based learning; Learning-centred curriculum design
Social Learning
Student-staff interaction; student-student interaction; learning as a social process; conversational learning
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Barriers for disadvantaged students and students from under-represented groups, teaching disabled students, inclusivity & sense of belonging, decolonisation
Playful and Gameful
Hybrid space in teaching and learning, formal and informal contexts, pervasive learning
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Group work, peer-assessment, co-creation, peer mentoring
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